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A Common Oak Tree Disease in Charlottesville, VA

While there are many potential causes, one of the most common causes of oak tree decline that we see in Charlottesville, VA, and surrounding areas is known as Hypoxylon Canker. This is a fungal...

Blog Posts

Tree Topping vs. Pollarding: Best Pruning Methods for Your Trees

When it comes to maintaining the health and aesthetics of your trees, pruning is an essential task. However, not all pruning methods are created equal, and understanding the differences between them...

Can I Use Wood Chips as Mulch?

When it comes to horticulture and landscaping, mulching is an essential step to ensure the vitality of your plants. Among the array of choices, wood chips are an economic and environmentally friendly...

Why is My Pine Tree Turning Brown? Common Issues in Charlottesville, VA

Pine trees play a crucial role in enhancing the beauty and charm of our region. However, if you observe that your pine tree turning brown or displaying symptoms such as needle loss or other signs of...

The Reason Why Blue Spruce Trees are Dying in Charlottesville, VA

Blue spruce trees are a popular and visually appealing addition to many landscapes in Charlottesville, VA, and surrounding areas. However, if you’ve noticed your blue spruce tree dying or...

Are the Mushrooms Around My Trees Bad?

Many people assume that mushrooms are markers of healthy soil. And in some cases, they are. They can improve nutrient absorption for surrounding plants and provide essential nutrients to trees...

Top 4 Reasons Your Maple Tree Might Be Dying in Charlottesville, VA

Maple trees are a cherished addition to any landscape, providing beauty, shade, and a touch of nature’s elegance. However, sometimes these majestic trees can face challenges that lead to their...